
Online learning - YES/NO?

1. Carpentry and Joinery Students go into a computer room and do Measurement exercises from a CD ROM


2. Media Students work in face to face classroom and submit assessments electronically


3. Student in Korea studies English with a teacher in Australia using email only


4. Multimedia students design websites in on-campus computer lab


5. Electronics students in a face to face classroom do all assessments via a floppy disc that contains the test material in a computer lab


6. Computer Studies students study a module about Databases in an on-campus computer lab


7. Rural based Community Service students use print based distance learning materials and communicate with lecturer via online forum and chat


8. A Geography teacher uses printed out Internet resources with students in a normal classroom


9. Hospitality students come to class everyday and can access course materials on the Internet at home after hours


10. Media Studies teacher gets students to examine online newspapers in a computer room


11. Literacy students use an Internet chat to communicate with other students in the same computer room


12. Child Studies staff conduct all classes face to face but discuss/post information about students on electronic staff bulletin board


13. Rural Welding students follow self-paced print materials and do assessment via video conference link


14. Teacher emails a Word document to on-campus students with details of an assignment to be done in the library


15. Automotive students follow self-paced learning activities on computers in workshop connected to an Intranet